Monday, February 20, 2012

My very FIRST post!!

So, this is my very first blog - EVER! I'm not exactly sure that I know what I am doing, but hopefully, I will get better. This is a great way for my family (the ones I never see) to be able to keep up with what is going on in our busy, but VERY entertaining life!

What a weekend! It was good - but cold. I'm so ready for it to be pretty outside! Georgia has yet to be able to ride in her little Barbie convertible car she got from Santa!! We didn't do too much though, actually. My aunt has recently built and moved into her new home, so we (well- Johnathan.. I just supervise) have been having to help her as much as we possibly could. Johnathan is such a great handyman! He can do just about anything. So, he has been helping her out a lot lately. And, she feeds him - great food!! That's his pay, I assume? We spent most of the weekend with her and they were able to get pretty much everything they needed to get done with out of the way! Let me just tell you - she is like my second mother! She basically raised me on the weekends whenever I was younger. I was jealous of Ansley getting attention since she was the baby, so I got to go stay with family on the weekend! Some things never change :)
I found an old chair on side of the road - my cousin was throwing it away. It was an old wooden rocking chair and had a wicker back and bottom. I decided to pick it up and salvage it. In my mind, this would be very easy. I was wrong! I had seen so many cute things like this on Pinterest (it's like crack. I can't get enough), so I took on the challenge. Let me say, ripping the wicker out was much harder than I expected. I had countless cuts and splinters, which did not feel so great. Johnathan came to my rescue and thankfully, with his help, we were able to get it all taken apart, the wicker ripped/cut out, and it completely sanded. YAY for us!! Today, I went and got primer, paint, and fabric for it. I'm so excited. Although, I did forget to buy foam for the seat and back. Just another reason to go BACK to Wal-Mart and spend even more money buying things other than foam. I could not decide on the color to paint it, though. Johnathan is building me a bedside table for my birthday and I intended on going with mint green as the color of that. I have been meaning to get paint for it, I just have had a lot going on lately. Anyway, I decided to go with a turquoise - imagine that!! And, for the chair, I decided to go with a cream color. I like it! I showed Johnathan and he didn't seem to care for it. But, this is my project - NOT his!! I'm so so excited about the fabric I bought for it. I love doing things like this.  My first place to shop for fabric was at the Fabric Center. I was NOT pleased with anything I saw. I wanted something in the brown, turquoise, green area. They didn't have what I was looking for. So, I decided to go to Material Girlz. I haven't shopped there before, but everyone I had talked to said it was super expensive. I could have waited to go to Premier Fabrics or Hancock this weekend, but I insisted on getting it today. I found some of the cutest fabric at Material Girlz. Some of it was VERY expensive - I really am not trying to put a lot of money into this chair. I am such a bargain shopper, so I was not spending $20 on a yard of fabric. I found some fabric that I fell in love with it! I kept thinking that I HAD to buy it. I wanted to keep looking though, so I asked the lady to cut me a swatch. I wanted to get a vinyl, solid color for the seat of the chair, so I needed to be able to match the swatch with whatever vinyl I found. WELL - I came across some vinyl that was somewhat of a Chartreuse. A little wild, but I liked it! I put the swatch next to it and they matched PERFECTLY! I was soooo excited. My little cousin, Emma, came along to help me keep up with Georgia and she thought I was crazy getting so excited over something like that. I never looked to see how much a yard was of the material I liked. I went back to check the price only to find out it was $23 per yard. Nope, not happening. I'd already told myself no more than $15 per yard. I found another fabric that had almost the same colors in it, too! Things were looking up - I was a little sad about the cost of the other. I asked for a swatch so that I could match it with the vinyl, and they matched, too! I decided to go with that material and get the vinyl. I'm so excited and I can't wait for it to be finished. And, now the chair will match the bedside table, too! Not that the chair will be going in my bedroom, but still.. My wonderful grandfather is building the slats tomorrow that will be for the back and the seat, and whenever I get out of class, I plan on priming it! It should definitely be finished by Thursday! EEEK!!!! Pictures below of the fabrics AND the before picture of the chair.

While in the midst of shopping for fabric, Georgia becomes cranky and was so whiney. She didn't want me to put her down the whole entire time. Every time I tried, she cried! She is getting heavy, too, so my arm was quite numb whenever we finally got to the car. I noticed while browsing in Material Girlz that she had gotten so quiet. I looked at her and she was asleep. I tried to lay her down on my shoulder, and as soon as I touched her right ear, she woke up SCREAMING! (It's not fun having a screaming child in a store, especially when I used to be the one thinking, "Please shut your child up! My child will NEVER act like that!" A bit of advice -- NEVER SAY NEVER!!) I felt of her head and she was burning up with fever. GREAT. Thankfully, I have finally learned to keep a bottle of Infant's Tylenol in my car. Before giving her a dose, I called my mom to tell her Georgia wasn't feeling well, and to see what she thought I should do - I'm not good when it comes to medical issues. She tells me that they are taking Infant's Tylenol off the market and I should give her Infant's Advil instead. Lovely! So, I go to Walgreens to get more medicine. We have enough to run our own pharmacy it seems like. This has been an ongoing battle since the second week of January. Maybe if this weather would quit changing so much, things would start looking better for her. So, I called to make her an appointment with her pediatrician - and he is booked for two, solid weeks. Luckily, we have a follow-up appointment with him next Tuesday as a result of her ears. Seems like we've been going in every two weeks since she first got so sick. He always tells us her ears aren't any better and he wants to see her in two weeks. How are her ears not any better? It has been almost six weeks since she first had ear issues - a double ear infection. She has been on TWO different antibiotics and has had numerous doses of Infant's Tylenol, Advil, Ibuprofen.. You name it, she's taken it. Poor girl!  As bad as I hate to do it, I'm going to see if he recommends getting tubes put in her ears. Hopefully, that will be some sort of relief for her. I absolutely HATE when she is sick! It breaks my heart, especially since there isn't anything I can do. She seems to want her daddy more whenever she is sick! I can't blame her - I used to be the same way! It's okay, she's a Mommy's girl any other day!

I guess this is enough for my first post. I wasn't really sure what to write about. Most of it is just ranting. I seem to give every little detail - so I'm sorry! Hopefully, within the next few days, I will be finished with my chair and not so busy with school, so that I can write again! Hope everyone has a great week!! Until then.... :)

This was my MOST favorite! It was just too expensive to spend on an old chair that I do not want to put too much money into! However, if I decide to do any more salvaging to furniture that has cushions, I WILL be using this! The lady told me if I came back in a month, it should be on sale - IF they had any left. Well, how's that supposed to make me feel? Good or bad?!

This is the material that I ended up getting. The lighting on my phone sucks, so the colors are much more vibrant than they appear. The fabric on the left is for the chair back. I like it and  the colors are similar to the material that I fell in love with! The vinyl is on the right. I know that it's going to match great with the color of the chair. I can't wait until it's all done. Everyone that I have showed the material to so far, has loved it!

This was the chair BEFORE demolition. I'm so lucky that my grandfather has a shop full of great and wonderful things that I need to do this project. I didn't have to buy anything at all! I am soo anxious to post the after picture. Hopefully, only a few more days..... :)